Ecole Conte offers a wide range of certified programs to help you achieve your professional goals. Our courses are recognized for their quality and relevance to the job market.
Designed to meet the specific needs of each sector, our programs are taught by industry professionals with in-depth expertise.
What we do
All courses offered by Ecole Conte lead to the award of a state-recognized RNCP (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles- French registry for professional certifications) qualification at levels 6 and 7 as defined by the European Union. A guarantee of seriousness, these professional titles certify a graduate’s skills and knowledge in a specific field, as well as providing official recognition pf their qualifications to further their professional career.
Thanks to our training courses, you’ll be able to differentiate yourself on the job market and position yourself as an expert in your field.

Level title
Designer créateur de produit de mode et textile
(Textile and Fashion product creator and designer)
– Certification registered at level 6 in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnels (RNCP- French registry for professional certifications), by decision of France Compétences dated July 19, 2023, awarded by Ecole Conte – College de Paris.
Level titles
Manager de la stratégie marketing
(Marketing strategy manager)
– Certification registered at level 7 in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP, French registry for professional certifications), by decision of France Compétences dated February 9, 2024, delivered by Talis Compétences & Certifications.
Manager du développement commercial
(Business development manager)
– Certification registered at level 7 in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP- French registry for professional certifications), by decision of France Compétences dated February 9, 2024, delivered by Talis Compétences & Certifications.